Ampara / Sri Lanka

Jetwing Surf – Arugam Bay, Sri Lanka

The best thing about Jetwing Surf is the incredible location. Located at the world-renowned surfing destination of Arugam Bay, with stunning views of the Indian Ocean, it’s a great place to relax and unwind.

You can wake up each morning and head straight for the waves. And when you’re ready to relax, you can enjoy the beautiful views from your room or take a dip in the pool. 

The resort offers a range of facilities and activities, so there’s something for everyone. Whether you’re looking to catch some waves, or simply soak up the sun.

Cabanas by the Beach

Built entirely with sustainable materials found in Sri Lanka, these rustic cabanas use natural cooling over artificial.

Each cabana is designed with intricate rope and woodwork, thatched roofs, woven coconut palm leaves and dried illuk grass to create an environmentally responsible coastal respite with a minimum carbon footprint.